Dear Parishioners,

The Second Vatican Council teaches that “The Church exists for a solitary goal, and that is to carry forward the work of Christ under the lead of the befriending Spirit. And Christ came into this world to give witness to the truth, to rescue and not to sit in judgement, to serve and not to be served”. The Parish is an expression of the Church in a particular place, at a particular time with a determined community of the faithful headed by the Parish Priest.

“We at St Michael’s are committed to calling each other by name, making Jesus present among us, and being the hands of the body of Christ.” This is the vision of our Parish.

Thank you for taking the time in completing the Parish census. In doing this, we help ensure that the vision of St Michael’s is realized.  This census identifies, firstly, the people whom the Parish is serving; secondly, the people’s needs (which is usually related to their age, gender, status in life and occupation), especially their spiritual needs; and thirdly, the gifts that the people are willing to share with the Parish community and beyond.

Certainly we feel more a part of a community when we contribute to the life of that community.  For this reason, St Michael’s parishioners are continually invited to share their time and talents through the different ministries in the Church. Let us remind ourselves of our Parish mission statement: “We actively celebrate Liturgies together.  We support and care for each other; accepting and valuing diversity. We share responsibility for the life of our Parish: sharing our time, talents and gifts. We are continually open to renewal.”

I include the list of the different ministries by which you can actively participate in the life of our Parish at the end of this letter for your consideration.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parishioners who support St Michael’s Parish financially especially those who are part of the Planned Giving Program.  Your generosity is our main source of income. For those who are not yet regular donors, please consider becoming one. Contact the parish office for more information.  Soon, a parish finance report will be made available to all parishioners.

I would like to re-introduce the concept of the Choirs of Angels communities within our parish.  The parish is divided geographically into nine. Each community is under the patronage of one of the Choirs of Angels: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominion, Powers, Virtues, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.  The communities are invited to particular devotions especially the devotion to St Michael and the Angels.

I would like to be able to call on the communities to come and help out with particular events in the Parish, for example: organising the Parish Christmas Party, participating in the Easter Liturgy or Christmas Liturgy.  I would also like each community to nominate a candidate to sit in the Parish Pastoral Council.

I am well aware that most people lead busy lives. But please consider that we are family at St Michael’s. As family, we must invest time and effort in building up relationships which we hope will lead us to God.

God bless you,

Rev Dr Janusz Bieniek CSMA

Easter 2016

Service Ministries:

1)  Acolyte

2)  Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

3)  Lector

4)  Altar server

5)  Music Ministry

6)  Greeter

7)  Money collector

8)  Money counter

9)  Catechist

10) Sacramental Program

11) RCIA (adult evangelisation)

12) Legion of Mary

13) Knights of St Michael

14) St Michael Mission Society

15) St Vincent de Paul Society

16) Altar Society

17) Church cleaning

18) Church Maintenance

19) Grounds Maintenance

20) Parish Office Volunteer

21) Piety Stall

22) Library